Why is My Cat’s Tail Shaped Like a Question Mark?
Have you ever seen your cat’s tail look like it is forming a question mark? Their tail is standing erect with a curve at the tip, and it is a precious sight to see. There are a plethora of different meanings behind your cat’s tail language. If you want to know more about why your cat’s tail is shaped like a question mark, check out this article.

Every Cat Has a Tail to Tell
Cats have their special body language to give you insight into their emotions. You may notice your cat’s tail can move into various positions, and each of these placements represents different expressions. The following includes the meaning of cat tail language:
It’s Up in the Air
When your feline’s tail is up in midair, it is generally an indication of affection and love. A beautiful throaty purr often accompanies it, even better if your kitty is also making biscuits on your lap. Your cat feels confident and happy, and it is a warm welcome for you to pet or cuddle with them. Take advantage of the invitation and snuggle up together on the couch.
Ask Them if They Want to Play
If your adorable feline has their tail sticking up in the air with a slight curve at the top, they are friendly yet slightly inquisitive. Their tail may appear to be like a question mark. Your cat could also be in a playful mood and wants to have some fun! Some awesome activities for the two of you to do together:
- Toy mice
- Food puzzle
- Laser pointer
- Cat feather wand
The above are the best games and activities for your cat, as they love it when you help them to simulate the hunt! They need this to help them satisfy their natural instincts. The next time your cat’s tail is shaped like a question mark, try some interactive play.
Halloween Cat
We all know this move: your cat is fearful or feeling threatened, and their hair stands on end, as the spine is curved and the tail is hanging low. It’s one of the funniest postures a kitty can make, as they will often stand up with their back arched to appear more prominent and more intimidating. Kittens often pose this when just learning about the world around them.
Side to Side Action
If your feline moves their tail from side to side, they focus intensely on an object, like a toy. You may also notice their tail slightly twitching as if they are getting ready to attack. Your cat is acting out their predatory instincts. The behavior includes:
- Batting
- Stalking
- Pouncing
- Crouching
When a cat is eyeing up their prey, they often present with these behaviors. This can apply to their toys, as well. Our cats have mischievously chased, caught, and released their toys during predatory play. Just wait until your feisty feline practices their kill bite!
All Wrapped Up in You
If your cat wraps their little tail around you, know they are telling you they love and admire you. It is the equivalent of a welcoming embrace from a loved one and simply heart rendering. Your cat may also do this with another pet in the home, which is their beautiful way of expressing positive emotion toward them. This emotion is an act of pure and genuine affection.
Scaredy Cat
When your cat’s tail hides under their legs, it is a “tell-tail” sign they are nervous, afraid, or submissive. If they are being submissive, it means they are feeling insecure. You may see this in situations that are unfamiliar to them. The body posture:
- Big, wide eyes
- Ears flat or down
- Body slightly arched
- Whiskers flat against the face
In this situation, you may need to speak baby talk to your scaredy cat. Talk to them sweetly and softly, and let them recognize there is nothing to fear. They may keep their head lowered if it is a show of submission. It is common when cats feel passive and meek.
Your cat may also put their tail between their legs when they are traumatized. It can occur when they are at the veterinarian’s office and they assume this position. They may require extra nurturing, reassurance, and possibly a few tasty treats!
Tail Vibrato
A feline’s tail may quiver when they are marking their area. This marking is indicative of cats who may not be spayed or neutered. They back up to a vertical surface with their tail held high and spray urine. That is when you will see their tail quivering. Marking behavior is the way that cats define their territory. It could also indicate that your feline is happy to see you.
Thrashing or Thumping Tail
When a cat thrashes their tail or thumps it with great force, they send you a straightforward message, and you should heed their warning to back off. They are not feeling the situation and telling you they are highly bothered. This can lead to:
- Biting
- Hissing
- Swatting
- Growling
Tail thrashing is very serious, and your cat means business. You do not want to be on the receiving end of a nasty scratch from your ferocious feline. This display is a distance-increasing behavior, so if you are petting them at that moment, you should stop.
All Puffed Up
If your cat’s tail is all puffed up, they are likely experiencing an adrenaline rush, as they are excited or overzealous. This puffiness can occur if you have more than one cat and the two are roughhousing or fighting with each other. Keep your eyes on them, and do not permit play to get rough and ready. If you need to, yell their names or clap to break them up.
Wrapped Around Their Body
This is much different than when your cat wraps their tail around your body. Your cat may be sitting down with their tail wrapped around their own body, and they are holding it tightly. This could represent a couple of separate things. They could be cold and trying to retain warmth, or they may be feeling unwell, and it could necessitate a trip to the vet to rule out any illness.
Softly Flickering
Your cat’s tail may look like it is flickering softly when they are at rest. When a cat is relaxed, their tail may perform this very subtle movement, and if you do not observe them carefully, you might miss it. Your cat may want some pets to go with their rest, and you can help lull them into dreamland so their soft flickering tail will become a sleepy tail.
There are Many Reasons Why Your Cat’s Tail Can Be Shaped Like a Question Mark
Cats are fascinating creatures with their body language, and they like to communicate with us in various ways. It could be by meowing or purring, or their body language may tell the tail. Watch them closely to see what message they are sending. You can deepen your relationship with your feline just by knowing how to interpret the language of their tail. For more information, contact The Village Vets by calling one of our locations.
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The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.