Why is My Cat Yowling?

It can be pretty concerning when cats yowl, and there is a reason for this. Cats will yowl when they are in distress or if they really want to get your attention. As a result, a cat’s yowl is designed to be difficult for people to ignore. So, why do exactly do cats yowl?

Cats will sometimes yowl simply to get something from their owners or out of boredom. However, yowling in cats can sometimes be a sign that a cat is in pain or is suffering from some kind of medical condition as well.

In this article, we will be explaining everything that cat owners need to know about cat yowling. This includes why cats yowl and when you should see a vet about this problem. In addition to this, we will also be answering some commonly asked questions about yowling in cats. Let’s get into it.

why is my cat yowling atlanta ga

Why Do Cats Yowl?

Cats may yowl for a variety of reasons. Whether it be due to boredom, pain, hunger, or wanting attention, a cat yowls as a way to communicate something. Let’s take a deeper look into why cats yowl.

Your Cat Needs Something

Cats will sometimes yowl when they learn that it gets your attention. For example, many cats will yowl when they are hungry and want to eat. Other cats will yowl when they want to be pet or played with by their owner.

If this is the cause of your cat’s yowling, then you do not really need to worry about it too much. However, speaking with a cat trainer can help you to stop this behavior if it has become bothersome.

Your Cat Is Bored

Sometimes cats will also yowl when they are feeling bored. If this is the case for your cat, then playing with them more often can help to reduce how much they yowl. Cats yowling out of boredom are generally not something that cat owners need to be overly concerned about.

Your Cat Is In Pain

Cats will often yowl when they are in pain. This is especially a concern if the yowling seems strange and uncharacteristic of your cat. Cats will not often show many signs of being in pain, so unusual yowling is definitely a sign that you need to see a vet, especially if your cat is not known to yowl. Some other signs of pain that a cat may exhibit include:

  • Limping and having an unusual gait
  • Having difficulty jumping and walking
  • Avoiding petting and play
  • Hiding more often
  • Lethargy
  • Reduced self-grooming
  • A reduced appetite

It is important to remember that not all cats will exhibit these signs of pain. As a result, your cat does not necessarily need to be showing these signs to be in pain. Still, if you notice any of the above signs of pain in your cat then this is a good sign that you should take them to the vet as soon as possible.

Your Cat Has Separation Anxiety

Contrary to popular belief, cats can get separation anxiety. Unfortunately, this can lead to troubling behaviors like excessive meowing or yowling. In addition to yowling, a cat with separation anxiety may do the following:

  • Excessive eating or eating less
  • Destructive behaviors
  • Having accidents outside of the litter box
  • Attempting to escape an enclosed area
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive grooming or licking

If your cat seems to have mild separation anxiety, then making simple changes like increasing their playtime and making their area more comfortable when you are away can help. However, you may need to talk to a vet if your cat’s separation anxiety is severe.

Your Cat Has Feline Dementia

Yowling is also a fairly common sign of feline dementia in elderly cats. In this case, cats will usually yowl because they are confused or disoriented. Cats with dementia will also commonly experience anxiety or irritability as well. Some other signs of feline dementia include but may not be limited to:

  • Having accidents outside of the litter box
  • Changes in their sleep-wake cycles
  • A reduced appetite
  • No longer grooming themselves
  • Changes in interactions with people and other pets
  • Lethargy and reduced playfulness

If you suspect that your cat may be suffering from feline dementia then consulting with a vet can help.

Your Cat Has Some Other Kind Of Medical Issue

Sometimes cats will also yowl when they are feeling uncomfortable or sick. This means that a wide variety of illnesses and medical conditions could potentially cause yowling in cats. As a result, it is a good idea to take your cat to the vet for any unusual yowling.

Why Has My Cat Started Yowling At Night? cat yowling at night

Most of the time a cat will yowl at night due to separation anxiety. This is because cats may become anxious or distressed when their owner is leaving them alone while they are sleeping.

As previously mentioned, cats with feline dementia may yowl at night due to disorientation and anxiety.

How Do I Stop My Cat From Yowling At Night?

The best way to stop your cat from yowling at night is to treat the cause. If your cat’s nighttime yowling is caused by separation anxiety or feline dementia, then providing them with plenty of stimulation during the day can help. Similarly, making their space comfortable and relaxing will likely help to reduce their yowling as well.

However, if your cat’s anxiety is severe then you may need to speak to a vet. This is because cats with severe anxiety may benefit from anti-anxiety medication. Similarly, a veterinarian will also be able to set you up with a qualified animal behaviorist to further help you with your cat’s anxiety.

When To See A Vet for Cat Yowling

You should see a vet about your cat’s yowling any time that it seems strange. This is because yowling can sometimes be the only sign that a cat is in pain or has a medical condition that requires treatment.


Although your cat yowling may not be a cause for a concern, it would be a good idea to see a vet if the yowling becomes excessive and doesn’t go away.

For pet parents in the Atlanta, GA region, The Village Vets has multiple locations to serve you and your pet. Visit us online to find a location near you!

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The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.

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About The Village Vets

The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.