Are There Human Foods Dogs Can Eat?

When you’re a dog owner, you probably find yourself tempted to share your meals with your furry friend. Dogs are masters at trying to get others to give them food, and if your dog is no exception, you know how tricky this can be to navigate. So the question becomes, are there human foods dogs can eat?


There are many foods dogs should not have. However, despite the long list of unsafe human foods for dogs, there are some human foods that are great for dogs to enjoy and can actually give them some health benefits at the same time. Some of these foods include popcorn, peanut butter, and salmon. 

what human foods can dogs eat atlanta ga

6 Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

As a pet owner, it’s important to know which foods are safe for your dog to eat.

Some human foods dogs can eat include, but aren’t limited to:

Peanut Butter

This is one of the most popular human foods to share with dogs, and for good reason. Peanut butter is packed with protein and vitamins, and the fats it does contain are the healthy type that are good for your pet’s heart.

Make sure, however, that the peanut butter you choose for your pet doesn’t contain Xylitol. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is extremely dangerous and often fatal for dogs to ingest, even in small quantities.

The best option for your dog is raw, organic peanut butter that does not contain any salt, but regular peanut butter is fine in moderation too.


Many dogs love popcorn, and it is full of important nutrients like thiamine and riboflavin. These nutrients can help improve your dog’s digestive and eye health, so popcorn can be a good snack for your pet now and then.

The safest way to give your dog popcorn is to air pop it yourself. Do not add butter or salt to the popcorn. If you do give your dog microwaved popcorn, make sure it is lightly buttered and salted or contains no butter or salt. Do not give your dog un-popped popcorn kernels.


Salmon is a very healthy human food you can share with your dog (and your cat!). Salmon, when cooked properly, is packed with amino acids and protein, both of which are necessary for your dog’s health. Just be sure you don’t give your dog raw salmon or undercooked salmon, as these can contain parasites that may cause health problems.

Salmon contains nutrients that help your dog’s joint and bone health, which are both important for your dog’s wellbeing at every stage of his life. As your dog ages, these nutrients will become even more important to help prevent the risk of arthritis and other degenerative conditions.


Turkey is another kind of human food dogs can eat. It’s actually perfectly safe for dogs and can be given very often. Some dogs are fed a little bit of turkey daily, and this is fine as long as you don’t over feed your pet.

Before giving a dog turkey, make sure you remove the skin and fat, and take extra care to remove any bones. Shredded turkey is the safest option for your dog.

Turkey is safe to feed to a dog at any stage of life. Just be sure not to season it with salt or any other seasons, and never give a dog turkey that has been cooked with onion or garlic.


It is fine to give your dog yogurt now and then, and it can be healthy for him if you add a little bit of yogurt to their diet every few days. Do not feed yogurt daily, and double-check any yogurt you give your dog to ensure it doesn’t contain Xylitol or other artificial sweeteners that may be dangerous.

Yogurt with added sweeteners should also be avoided. While it’s best to stick to plain yogurt, it is usually safe to give dogs yogurt made with dog-safe fruits such as strawberries or bananas.


Finally, another type of human food that dogs can eat is pork. Pork is safe for dogs but should not be fed in excess. This protein is a healthy choice for dogs that is easy for them to digest and can be given to dogs who are allergic to more common proteins like turkey or chicken.

Pork should be trimmed of fat and either shredded or cut into small, easy to chew pieces before giving it to your dog. Do not season the pork you give your dog with any seasons, including salt, and be sure to avoid giving your dog any onions or garlic.

Call Us for Any Questions Regarding Human Foods Dogs Can Eat

can my dog eat turkey

The next time you find yourself thinking about sharing your snack with your dog, remember this list. Some of the items on this list are great in moderation, while others can be given pretty much any time. Be cautious when sharing human food with your dog, but remember there are plenty that are safe.

If you have any further questions about foods your dog can and cannot eat, be sure to talk to your veterinarian for more information. Your vet can give you specific recommendations for your individual dog’s needs and can help you make the right choices for your pet as well.

If your dog has eaten something that you’re not sure is safe, or if you’re curious about more human foods dogs can eat, contact our team at The Village Vets. Your pet’s health is our top priority, which means we’re always here for you when you need us most to answer your questions and provide insight. So don’t wait, contact any of our hospitals or our 24 hour emergency animal hospital today.

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About The Village Vets

The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.

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About The Village Vets

The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.