Cat Bathing: Do They Really Need It?
Are you a cat owner? Do you feel like your cat isn’t as clean as she could be? Does she need a bath? The short answer to whether or not cat bathing is needed is “sometimes.” Although it might not be your idea of a great time (or your cat’s!), it’s important to know when you should give your cat a bath and when you can skip it.

6 Situations When Your Cat Needs Bathing
In this article, you’ll find out more about the situations in which your cat needs some help with her grooming. You can use this information to decide whether or not it’s time to bathe your feline friend.
6 situations when cat bathing is needed include, but aren’t limited to:
Healthy Adult Shorthaired Cats
Most healthy adult cats with short hair do not need to be given a bath regularly. Although there may be situations that arise that require your cat to be bathed, for the most part, you can let her do her own thing in terms of her bathing and grooming.
However, if your cat is prone to getting mats in her fur, she may need to have a bath every so often. A few baths a year are usually enough to help shorthaired cats who are prone to fur matting.
Longhaired Cats
Longhaired cats are another story. Many longhaired cats simply can’t keep up with their own grooming needs, and they may develop chronic hairballs from trying. If your cat is having trouble grooming herself because of her long, luxurious fur, you may want to help her out a little bit.
Get your cat used to having regular baths so you can bathe her more easily. For longhaired cats, it’s best to have a bath about once every six weeks or so. You should also be brushing your longhaired cat at least every week or more often if possible.
Cats with Fleas
When your cat comes down with an infestation of fleas, it’s definitely time for a bath. A serious case of fleas can only be resolved with a bath and the proper treatment for the flea issue after that. This type of bath should be given by a veterinarian or a groomer if possible.
After a flea bath, it’s important to check your cat’s skin for signs of irritation. Since the type of shampoo used for bathing a cat with fleas is a little bit harsher than the norm, your cat may have some skin irritation following her flea dip.
Cats with Very Dirty Fur
Sometimes, cats get into things they shouldn’t. This is just part of being a cat! However, in some instances, those things are very dirty. Your cat may end up covered in mud or could wind up with something stuck in her fur. In these situations, cat bathing will be very important.
You should be prepared to give your cat a bath in these one-off instances, even if you don’t usually bathe her. However, your cat may not be as prepared for this as you are, so consider working with a groomer or vet if necessary.
Older Cats
When your cat gets older, she may have trouble cleaning herself the way she used to. She may not be able to reach all the parts of her back, and she may have trouble cleaning her genital region and tail because of this, too. Older cats have trouble with mobility and therefore can’t bend like they once did.
You may need to help your older cat with her bathing routine. However, it’s also important not to overly stress your cat at this point in her life. Cats who are older and need grooming help may do well with waterless shampoo.
Overweight Cats
Overweight cats may have many of the same mobility issues as older cats, even if they’re still young. They may not be able to groom themselves well because of their size, and you might need to help your cat take care of her coat if she is overweight.
Although this is fine for a short time, you also need to address your cat’s weight moving forward. If your cat is overweight, this condition can lead to serious illnesses and may cause your cat to become diabetic. Talk to your veterinarian for more information about helping your cat lose weight in a healthy way.
Call The Village Vets for More Advice on Cat Bathing
As you can see, there are some situations when it’s necessary to give your cat a bath. For the vast majority of the time, however, it’s better to just let your cat take care of her own grooming needs.
If you do need to bathe your cat but you don’t think you can do it yourself, look around for a reputable groomer who also handles cats. If there are none in your area, your vet may be able to help by giving your cat a bath and taking care of her ears, nails, and other general cleaning needs.
For more information on cat bathing, don’t hesitate to contact our team at The Village Vets! We’re here to help you with all of your cat’s needs.
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The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.