Can Dogs Eat Turkey?

It can be inviting for you to share your Thanksgiving turkey with your dog. However, if you want to give your pup turkey, some stipulations must be made.

Dogs can have turkey if it is dry with no gravy, seasoning, and no bones. Dogs can choke on or swallow turkey bones, which can lead to bowel obstruction. A fatty turkey laden with gravy can trigger pancreatitis, a hazardous condition for pups.

Turkey can be a nutritious source of protein and nutrients for your dog. If you want to know if dogs can eat turkey, this article can help.

can dogs eat turkey atlanta ga

Is Turkey Safe for Dogs?

The answer to this question is double-sided. Many quality commercial dog foods and treats contain turkey meal as the main ingredient. A turkey meal is higher in protein and is not as wet or moist as a turkey. The turkey in dog foods is safe because it is free of dangerous spices.

The white meat of turkey without the skin, seasonings, and spices is a healthy treat for dogs. Turkey contains a lot of valuable nutrition, including protein. It is when you load turkey up with gravy and all the trimmings that turkey becomes toxic to dogs. Never give your pup turkey bones, either.

You and your family sit down to Thanksgiving dinner, and the turkey has been roasted and freshly cut, and your pup’s mouth is watering. Your dog may be looking at you with puppy dog eyes begging you for a taste. However, it is not safe for your canine companion to consume turkey that has been roasted and seasoned with garlic and onions.

If this scenario sounds familiar to you, it means you have probably experienced it at some point in your dog’s life. You should know that if your pup ingests a turkey seasoned or fattened with butter or oil, it can trigger a bout of pancreatitis, which is seriously dangerous for dogs. Acute pancreatitis can even cause death if not treated quickly and adequately.

It is much safer to give your pup plain dry turkey. Deli turkey meat is also not a very good option for dogs as it contains a lot of fat and sodium. Choose plain white turkey to give your dog a tasty treat.

What Are the Health Benefits of Turkey for Dogs?

Boneless, skinless turkey can be very beneficial to dogs. It is lower in fat than beef and is better for them overall. Most pups love the taste of turkey, and it is an excellent source of nutrition because it contains the following:

  • Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin B-12
  • Niacin
  • Selenium
  • Choline
  • Phosphorus
  • Riboflavin
  • Zinc

The phosphorus in turkey helps support bone and teeth health, and riboflavin helps to improve your pup’s metabolism and digestive system. Turkey also has tryptophan, which is good for anxiety and sleep. It boosts mood and decreases the stress levels of mammals in general.

Why Are Turkey Bones Dangerous for Dogs? can dogs eat turkey bones

Turkey bones are not safe for dogs, as your pup could choke on or swallow them, which gets stuck in the stomach and causes an obstruction. It creates a sharp point that can cut or scratch your dog’s intestinal tract.

You must never give your pup a turkey bone. Some of the unpleasant things that can happen if your dog gets a turkey bone stuck in them:

  • Injury to the gums, mouth, and tongue
  • Obstruction of the intestinal tract
  • Bone fragments can get caught in the intestinal lining
  • Sharp bones can puncture the abdomen
  • Choking can occur from the bone or fragments
  • Constipation can happen from the intestinal blockage

Also, any cuts the bone fragments causes inside your dog can lead to a severe infection, which can cause all different health ramifications. Splintered pieces of bone can also get stuck in your pup’s teeth and harm the gums, cheeks, and tongue. This can cause your pup bleeding and severe pain.

If your dog bites down hard on the bone, it can break their teeth. Even if the bone does not get down to the stomach, it can easily become stuck in the trachea or esophagus, causing them to choke.

Any of the above situations require immediate veterinary care. If you believe your pup has ingested a turkey bone, get them to the emergency vet immediately.

What Are the Symptoms of Bowel Obstruction?

Bowel obstruction in dogs is serious. A bowel obstruction is a full or partial blockage in the abdomen or intestines that inhibits the movement of solids or liquids through the gastrointestinal tract. The blockage can impede blood flow and cause damage to different parts of the bowels. Dogs can experience a bowel obstruction if they swallow a turkey bone.

The following include the symptoms of bowel obstruction:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Dehydration
  • Weakness
  • Lack of appetite
  • Bloating
  • Abdominal pain

When you have your Thanksgiving dinner, keep turkey bones out of reach so your pup cannot get to them. Only allow your dog to have the white meat of the turkey.

What About the Turkey Skin?

You should also refrain from offering your dog the skin of the turkey, as it is greasy and fattening. The human body is equipped to break down that kind of fat, but the dog’s body is not. If your pup ingests food that is too fatty for them to digest correctly, their pancreas can become inflamed, which results in pancreatitis.

The turkey skin is usually seasoned with oils and butter to crisp the outer covering. It is delicious for humans, but it can be deadly to dogs. You need to avoid this by only giving your pup dry white turkey meat with no skin, no bones, and no seasoning.

How Can I Give My Dog Turkey? dogs on thanksgiving

There are some safe and appropriate ways to share your turkey with your dog. You can use the leftover turkey and make turkey meatballs for your dog; ensure the meat is unseasoned with no bones and the skin removed.

You can also make turkey bone broth for your pup. Add your turkey carcass and vegetable ends with no onion or garlic and create a yummy soup for your dog.

You can make turkey and cranberry dog biscuits from leftover turkey. You can also make homemade dog treats using leftover turkey and sweet potato bits. Make sure the sweet potato does not contain any butter. These are just some ideas you can try to share with your turkey.

Of course, you can always give your pup their space during the Thanksgiving meal and let them feast on their own dry white turkey. You can give them a little sweet potato on the side to make it enjoyable. There are many ways to make your pup feel loved and included in holiday festivities.


Although dogs can eat turkey, it must be served skinless, plain, and unseasoned, with no bones. A dog’s stomach cannot handle the skin, butter, and spices that are added to turkey the way humans can. Furthermore, turkey bones pose a serious danger to dogs and should never be given as a treat.

For pup parents in the Atlanta, GA area, The Village Vets has a variety of locations that are suited to care for you and your pet!

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The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.

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About The Village Vets

The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.