Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish?

Dogs have a wide array of smells, and “fishy” is one of them. Although not typical, the fishy smell is unmistakable and may indicate a serious problem.

You must treat your canine companion for any underlying cause of the smell and take them to the vet for management as soon as possible. When you read this article, you will learn the causes of your dog smelling fishy.

dog smell like fish

Why Does My Canine Smell Fishy?

There is a saying, “You smell like a puppy dog?” There is an explanation for why that famous saying exists. Canines can be stinky, and we are responsible as pet parents to support them. The fishy smell is a doggie smell but might be ascribable to an underlying condition. There could be reasons why your canine smells like fish:

Anal Sac Disorder

Anal sac disease encompasses any issues with the anal sac. Anal glands are tiny oval-shaped sacks on both sides of the anus. The pouches contain many sebaceous glands that emit a strong, unpleasant, fishy odor and act as your dog’s scent markers. When your pup defecates, the secretions travel onto the stool and allow other dogs to smell their “perfume,” which is how dogs identify each other.

There following includes some of the problems associated with the anal sac:

Fecal Impaction

Every time your dog poops, their anal glands are expressed. However, a fluid material stays in the sacs, thickens, and dries. The anal glands become enlarged and distended, causing fecal impaction. It can be uncomfortable for your canine.

An abscess can form in the anal sac, and the blockage also keeps both stool and gas from passing through, which is a dangerous situation that can lead to obstruction of the colon if left untreated. Therefore, it is best to take your pup to the vet and have it treated immediately.

Anal Sacculitits

Anal sacculitis is when an abscess forms as fluid builds up in the sac and can cause infection. The sac can also burst through the skin, and pus and blood come from the abscess. Some of the signs your dog has anal sacculitis:

  • Scooting on the ground
  • Leaking foul-smelling fluid
  • Straining or pain during defecation
  • Constant licking of the infected area

Some dogs who have anal sacculitis demonstrate a hunched-over posture. Most dogs need a manual expression of their anal sacs every three to four weeks. Breeds on the smaller side may require anal gland expression more often.

Anal Sac Adenocarcinoma

Anal gland tumors hinder your pup’s ability to express their anal glands. This disease enlarges the anal sacs, which usually do not empty. This kind of cancer usually affects only one of the two anal sacs but can sometimes affect both. Anal sac tumors are uncommon but are extremely serious when cases do occur. It has a high incidence of metastasis to the lymph nodes and other bodies.

If your dog has a fishy odor from their butt, it could be a sign of something serious. Take them to the veterinarian without delay; they can drain your pup’s anal sacs.

Dental Disorder

If your dog has an offensive odor coming from their mouth that smells like fish, it could be due to periodontal disease, causing inflammation or redness of the gums. This is why brushing your pup’s teeth daily is so important. Just make sure you use toothpaste that is specifically formulated for dogs. Some of the indicators of dental disease in your canine:

  • Teeth are loose
  • Bloody saliva
  • Lack of appetite
  • Excessive drooling
  • Bleeding or inflamed gums
  • Chewing on one side of the mouth
  • Abnormal discharge from the mouth
  • Blood on chew toys or in their water bowl

Untreated dental disease is detrimental to your dog’s dental health and can affect your pup’s overall health. It can lead to devastating consequences for your dog’s key organs and even cause heart disorders if bacteria from the mouth enter the bloodstream. Another scenario is that your dog has a broken or abscessed tooth, causing a foul odor.

Urinary Tract Infection

Fishy-smelling urine can indicate a urinary tract infection. It needs to be treated promptly and efficiently, or it may spread to other organs. Bacteria can accumulate in the urethra, causing a foul smell to develop. Some signs your pup has a urinary tract infection:

  • Blood in urine
  • Constant drinking
  • Excessive urination
  • Straining to urinate

Frequent licking of the genital area is another sign of a UTI. Urinary tract infections are prevalent in female dogs and can occur due to vaginal abnormalities. If the UTIs are recurring, your vet should investigate to get to the bottom of what is triggering them.


If your canine has allergies, they may lick incessantly in one area, and bacteria can accumulate, leading to a lingering fishy smell. Dry skin is a common issue for dogs, leading to crustiness, redness, and hair loss in the affected area. If your pup’s skin is dry, rubbing vitamin E oil can help moisturize it.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent solution, as it can decrease yeast overgrowth. Fish oil is another option. It is ideal for helping treat allergies in dogs and promotes skin, brain, and heart health. Talk to your vet before attempting to use any natural remedy for your dog.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infections in dogs can cause a stinky smell like a combination of corn chips and fish. Yeast infections can sometimes occur when your dog has allergies, which causes a cycle of itching and licking. Hormonal problems and diseases that compromise the immune system may also cause yeast infection. Some of the indications of a yeast infection:

  • Crusty lesions
  • Red, itchy skin
  • Skin discoloration
  • Discharge from ears

Ear infections can result from the development of yeast. It can create a brown discharge that has a foul odor. If your dog is a swimmer, trapped water in the ear canal can trigger a yeast infection. You may see your canine shaking or leaning their head more than usual. Yeast infections can also occur on the paws, anus, and vulva.

Vaginitis or Pyometra

This only applies if you have a female dog. A fishy smell could be coming from your pup’s genital area. A shift in the balance of vaginal yeast is the reason for a vaginal infection. It can cause your dog to itch in their genitals terribly. Pyometra is when a female pup who has not been spayed develops a vaginal infection. This illness is life-threatening; the management is to spay the canine.

There Are Many Reasons Why Dogs Can Smell Like Fish

Your dog can smell like fish for a variety of reasons. They could have an anal sac disorder, a urinary tract, or a yeast infection. Dental disease can also cause a foul-smelling odor in the mouth. If you notice your dog smelling strongly of fish, get them to the vet for a check-up to be safe. For more information, contact The Village Vets by calling one of our locations.

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The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.

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The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.