What You Should Know About Epilepsy in Dogs?

Epilepsy in dogs is a serious condition. However, it is a condition that can usually be treated pretty effectively. Luckily, this also means that most dogs with epilepsy also go on to live relatively normal lives once they have received treatment for the condition.

Epilepsy is marked by the presence of multiple seizures that have an unknown cause. Epilepsy must be officially diagnosed by a vet, and most of the time the condition is treated with anti-seizure medications.

In this article, we will be explaining everything that dog owners should know about epilepsy in their dogs. This includes what it is, how it is diagnosed, and how it is treated. In addition to this, we will also be answering some other commonly asked questions about epilepsy in dogs. Let’s get into it.

epilepsy in dogs atlanta ga

What Is Epilepsy?

Epilepsy is a disorder that involves the presence of abnormal brain activity that causes recurring seizures. This can affect humans and animals like dogs and cats.

What Triggers Epilepsy In A Dog?

The exact cause of epilepsy in dogs is unknown. However, there has been evidence that it may be passed down genetically. Additionally, some dog breeds tend to be at a greater risk for developing epilepsy than others. Here are some dog breeds that have a higher frequency of epilepsy than average:

  • The Beagle
  • The Bernese Mountain Dog
  • The Border Collie
  • The Boxer
  • The Collie
  • The Cocker Spaniel
  • Corgis
  • The Siberian Husky
  • The Springer Spaniel
  • The Shetland Sheepdog

There are actually more dog breeds that can be susceptible to epilepsy than just those that are mentioned on this list. If a dog breed that you are interested in is prone to epilepsy, then getting a puppy from a reputable breeder can help with preventing your dog from developing the condition.

Symptoms Of Epilepsy In Dogs

The main sign of epilepsy in dogs is the presence of seizures. Seizures can vary in appearance from dog to dog, and they may not all be incredibly noticeable or violent. As a result, if your dog ever engages in unusual activity and seems unresponsive, it is best to take a video of the event and show a vet as soon as possible.

How Is Epilepsy In Dogs Diagnosed?

Epilepsy in dogs is diagnosed by a vet through patient history, physical examination, and testing. Because seizures can be caused by things like head trauma, a vet will likely want to rule these potential causes out before diagnosing a dog with epilepsy.

How Is Epilepsy In Dogs Treated? veterinarian atlanta ga

Most of the time, epilepsy in dogs is treated with anti-seizure medication. Anti-seizure medication for dogs must be officially prescribed by a vet.

Can Dogs Have a Seizure and Not Have Epilepsy?

Yes, dogs can have a seizure and not have epilepsy. This is because although the cause of epilepsy is generally unknown, there are known causes of seizures in dogs. Here are some things that could potentially cause a dog to have a seizure without having epilepsy:

  • Head trauma or injury
  • Poisoning
  • Brain tumors
  • Overheating
  • A variety of other medical conditions

Additionally, many medications could have seizures as a potential severe side effect. Seizures in dogs can have a variety of other causes besides epilepsy, so it is common for vets to thoroughly test your dog before making an epilepsy diagnosis.

Can Dogs Live Well With Epilepsy?

When properly treated, most dogs can live a relatively normal life with epilepsy. This is because anti-seizure medication should either get rid of seizures or greatly reduce the amount of seizures that your dog has.

What Is The Life Expectancy Of A Dog With Epilepsy?

The life expectancy of a dog with epilepsy will depend on several different things. For example, epilepsy in dogs can range in severity. A dog with more severe epilepsy could potentially have a shorter life expectancy than a dog with moderate epilepsy.

Similarly, the sooner you get a dog’s epilepsy treated by a vet, the better their life expectancy tends to be as well. This is because seizures can cause brain damage, especially if multiple seizures have occurred.

Of course, when talking about life expectancy you will have to consider the health of the overall dog as well. A dog that has epilepsy but is otherwise healthy may have a better prognosis than a dog with a multitude of other health problems.

How to Treat a Dog with Epilepsy

Taking care of a dog with epilepsy is a lot more involved than caring for a healthy dog. Here are some important things to know about taking care of a dog with epilepsy.

how to treat a dog with epilepsy

Always Go To Vet Appointments

Dog owners of epileptic dogs will likely need to take their dogs to the vet more often than dog owners of healthy dogs do. It is important that you work closely with your vet and always make it to these appointments when you have an epileptic dog.

Always Give Your Dog Their Medications Correctly

Most dogs with epilepsy are on anti-seizure medication. This medication helps to prevent dogs from having a seizure, so it is very important that you always give this medication to your dog exactly as instructed by your vet.

Be On The Lookout For a Seizure

Even when staying on top of giving an epileptic dog their anti-seizure medication, there is a chance that they could have a seizure at some point. As a result, owners of epileptic dogs will always keep an eye on their dogs in case they have a seizure.

Always Keep Your Dog In A Safe Place When You Are Not Home

There will be times when dog owners cannot be with their dogs. If you need to leave your epileptic dog home alone then it is important that you always secure them in a safe place. This will be a place where a dog could potentially have a seizure and not injure themselves. A soft crate or a room without any stairs or sharp edges on furniture would work.


Although epilepsy is a serious condition, dogs with epilepsy can still live normal lives with the help of their owners. If you have any further question regarding epilepsy in dogs, reach out to your veterinarian.

For dog parents in the Atlanta, GA region, The Village Vets has multiple locations to serve you and your pet. Visit us online to find a location near you!

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The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.

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About The Village Vets

The Village Vets is a network of animal hospitals based in Atlanta, GA and the surrounding area. We offer honest, excellent service to our clients in a comfortable, friendly atmosphere. To learn more about our locations and how we can better serve you and your pet, click the button below.